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Die besten Tricks für den Wintersporturlaub im Family Van
#1 The right motorhome for the cold season: Sabrina Steinbrink, Product Manager at SUNLIGHT knows what it takes for a camper van to be a proper winter van:
- Always make sure the tank is full or you have enough gas to heat the vehicle in cold winter nights. This also means replacing the gas tank early – you rather want to change the tank during the day than wake up in the middle of the night feeling your motorhome getting colder…
- Make sure to run your frost-protected power cable so that it does not freeze to a surface. Yet, it is not just the cold you have to consider. The weather can change quickly, and when the ground gets softer with rising temperatures your motorhome may sink in. Prevent this by placing the wheels on a stable surface such as planks.
- An awning is great as it offers additional space for storing wet, dirty clothes and shoes as well as stuff like a broom, etc. Plus: it also acts as an insulating cold buffer.
- All SUNLIGHT motorhomes are winter-ready. With all the equipment you have to bring on a family winter outing, I recommend the SUNLIGHT T 68 – it’s the perfect model offering fantastic comfort and plenty of space. For me, the T 68 has this mountain hut feel – only you’re super flexible, too, which makes it perfect for snow sports…
- Get prepared with special winter equipment. You can add, insulate, and seal a lot. We offer, for example, floor heating, carpets, insulated and even heated wastewater tanks. And you can find additional thermal mats under SUNLIGHT original parts and accessories.
- Last but not least: Before embarking on your winter journey, have your vehicle checked at a garage. Breakdowns tend to happen more frequently in winter than in summer!
#2 How to get the best out of your family & snow sports vacation on four wheels – the perfect tips from Eero Ettala, snowboard legend, X-Games winner, Red Bull athlete, SUNLIGHT Adventure Crew member – and family man:
- The right location is key! Things we always consider as a family: the distance to the ski resort, the campsite facilities (such as lounges, playgrounds, restaurants and special activities for kids). Details count! On a recent trip, for example, the ultimate treat was having an indoor swimming pool near the campsite.
- Just as important as the destination is the “travel itinerary”. With kids less is more. Involve them and let them choose how much to plan for the journey.
- Good planning and checking offers: start with thinking about how much winter sports you want to and can pack into your family vacation. Most ski resorts or campsites offer childcare or ski courses. We also like to alternate and use the ski resort all day long – from an early bird ski tour to floodlit slopes or cross-country tracks.
- Turn your motorhome into a playground: there’s plenty of space for a game corner in my SUNLIGHT. The kids need their hood.
- One final tip: We have a thick outdoor mat at the door. It creates a cozy atmosphere, and it also serves as a spot to leave wet boots and thus keep the “living room” dry.
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